Pictures are memories and sometimes you want to keep those memories only to yourself. Maintaing your picture privacy can be hard task that can be solved easily by ***PhotoSheild****. By having PhotoSheild your photos will be highly secured and protected from everyone. Only way to view the photos will be by entering password set by you in the App. Many people want to keep private photos from someone like friends, kids, colleagues and we are here to help them achieve this.
PhotoShield is not JUST the picture protecter application. You can do loadsssss of fun stuff other than just protection.
There are some key features.
- Password Backup on Photoshield Server (RECOMMENDED otherwise you have no way to retrieve it)
- Create/View photo albums
- Add ***26*** different photo effects
- Pictures saved with high level encryption
- Import multiple pictures at one time. (Importing photos from iPhone library).
- Export photos to iPhone library in case you want people to see it
- Swiping gestures to ease of use for photo effects, menus many other things
- Sharing pictures on Facebook and via email
- Multiple pictures deletion and swiping to view next pictures
- Adding frames on photos
- Opening camera automatically when app is opened for taking instant picture.
- Sharing picture using iTunes on PC/Mac
- Adding comments on photos
- No matter how high res pictures have features like effects, frames and comments will preserve resolution
In addition to that, you can always download more frames from Photoshield server